The Lady Blogger

I Think I'm Charming, You Should Too


Monday, October 17, 2011

Here's My Card

I always hear those ads on Pandora for the free business cards and when they're rattling off all three ways you can use them they mention "dating cards" and I think "what the fuck is a dating card?" After hours (i.e. minutes) of research (i.e. a Google image search) I found this online dating site that will print you business cards that have a conversational heart pick-up line on the front and the address to your online profile on the back. So I decided to totally rip off their idea and try my hand at making my own. Hallmark is going to be calling any minute now.



Collect the Whole Set!

1 comment:

  1. You might just be the most beautiful, sexiest girl that I have only seen pictures of and read witty commens from. Bravo kind lady ;)
